
National Sovereignty & External Sovereignty

National Sovereignty and External Sovereignty

As the title of the essay suggests, here we have to make a distinction between national and external sovereignty. This kind of division is far to be the only one settled in the international context, and there are different expressions of the concept of sovereignty. Even if there is more than one, the concept remains the same and all the categories are different facets of the same idea. Therefore I will structure my essay by analysing the definitions of sovereignty especially throughout the numerous challenges that this concept is facing nowadays.


European Integration & International Relations Theories

European Integration and Theories in International Relations

With the beginning of the integration process in Western Europe in the early Fifties numerous theories have been developed in order to study and understand this process. Those theories provide explanations and concepts useful to appreciate the past and to predict the future steps of eventually further integrations.



'Trade, Not Aid'A slogan that has been endorsed for long by developing countries in International Trade Negotiations; What is the impact of trade and is it the most important facet of globalization upon this group of countries?

Angelo Carlo Valsesia

From the title of the essay as such we can hypothesize that the question that the essay pones is of Hegelian matrix: the thesis is constituted by the ‘Aid’, the antithesis is the ‘Trade’ instead. To say which one of them is the most beneficial is not an easy question, and probably it is not correct to put one above the other (as more important) too. What I will try to demonstrate is that ‘aid’ and ‘trade’ are both necessary – in different aspects – for developing countries.